Data Privacy Policy

We at FAMRUT Marketplace, value and respect privacy of the data that our Associates/ Customers / Prospects / Visitors provide us during each interaction. The purpose of our Data Privacy Policy is to demonstrate our extreme commitment to the privacy and protection of data of all the persons who provide data to FAMRUT Marketplace on their own volition. Our Data Privacy Policy elucidates the manner in which we collect information from and about you, and what we do with the information, so that you may opt for whether or not to provide any information to us.

By visiting FAMRUT Marketplace websites or otherwise providing your information (personal or otherwise) to FAMRUT Marketplace via any other means, you accept and consent to the terms & conditions of this Data Privacy Policy.

For purposes of this policy, the term "visitor" is comprehensive and includes however not limited to all visitors to our website who are not yet our Business Associates or Customers and those who eventually become our Business Associates or Customers i.e. whether you upload information to our website, download it, or are merely visiting our website. While visiting our website you may choose not to divulge certain information at your discretion. There are some features of FAMRUT Marketplace which are advantageous to you. However, whether to opt for the same is entirely your independent discretion.


The information you provide us as a Visitor may include: your name, contact information, financial information, payment card details, Business documents, IP addresses, Live chat messages, Telephone conversations, product and service selections and orders or other things that may be divulged by you at your own volition for visitor identification. Generally, we may collect personal information in the following manner.

  • The Visitor may provide his/her personal information to us via live chat, email or other written correspondence, telephone calls, web based forms, or any other similar means.
  • We use automated technical means to collect personal information about our website visitors for example – by use of cookies.
  • Purchases of Products and Services on our website; and
  • Via third party providers.

Web Visits

You may visit our Website in any of the following manner:

  • By using your browser to navigate to; or
  • By viewing, an advertisement displayed on a third party website that has content served by our web server.
  • By viewing an email that is served content by our web server;

Whenever any visitor browses our website, our server logs the visitors IP address (unique network addresses), the time and duration of the visit, and the time and duration of the pages viewed on our website. If the visitor arrives at our website by clicking a paid advertisement (including a paid search engine result) or a link in an email, then an information is captured that tracks visit from that particular link. If the visitor arrives at our website by clicking a non-paid source, such as link in a non-paid search engine result or an unsponsored link on another website, we may capture information that tracks visit from that source; to the extent we are able to do so. This may also capture information about the visitor's computer system, such as browser type and operating system.

To ensure our Website works correctly, we are likely to place a small piece of optional data known as a cookie on visitor's computer or mobile device or hard drive during the web visit as per the choice opted by you. A cookie is a unique alphanumeric identifier that we use to help us identify the number of unique visitors to our website, whether or not those visitors are repeat visitors, and the source of their visits. Cookies cannot be executed as a code or used to deliver a virus, other servers cannot read them and personal information cannot be gathered from them. The content of a cookie can be retrieved or read only by the server that creates the cookie. The text in a cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. They are simply an identifier shared between the visitor and us to allow us to improve the services we offer to through our website. Cookies are unique to the browsers or mobile applications the visitors use, and enable websites to store data such as visitor’s preferences. Whether to opt for cookie is entirely your discretion.

To be specific, the additional purposes for using cookies are as follows:

  • Cookies allow websites to remember visitor’s settings such as language, font size on visitor’s computer or mobile device, or other browser preferences. This means that a visitor does not need to reset preferences for every visit.
  • We may count some data of advertising of FAMRUT Marketplace, such as the times that advertising pops up on the Website and the situation of clicking advertising on other websites.
  • Authentication. When the visitor visits the Website, we may create a unique ID to identify the visitor. If cookies with this function are not used, the Website will treat the visitor as a new visitor every time he/she loads a web page. For example, if the visitors are redirected to another web page from the Website visitors are already logged in to and then return to the Website, it will not recognize the visitor and the visitor must log in again.
  • Statistics and analysis. For instance, we use cookie to count the number of visitors of the Website and sources of visitors visiting the website are known.
  • Security. We use cookie to secure the operation of the Website.

Third parties may set their cookies on our Website, like Google and Baidu. They use these cookies to receive IP, visitor’s configuration information about the browser and the access on our Website, but do not collect visitor’s personal identity information. Visitors can learn more about how these third parties use cookies by visiting their sites.

Visitors can manage or delete cookies based on their own preferences. Visitors can clear all the cookies stored on their computer or mobile, and most web browsers provide the option of blocking cookies. However, by doing so, visitors have to change the user settings every time they visit our Website. Find out how to manage cookie settings for the browser here:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera

We use cookies to help us recognize visitors as unique visitors (just a number) when they return to our websites for example, if there are 1,000 visits to our website on a certain day, we can use cookies to discover how many of those visits were made via the same browser (same visitor). We may also use the cookie to discover whether a certain visitor has visited our site more than once, and the source for each visit. We also use cookies to:

  • allow us to tailor content or advertisements to match visitors preferred interest;
  • avoid showing visitors the same advertisements repeatedly;
  • compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how users use our site;
  • to help us improve the structure of our website (we cannot identify visitors personally in this way);
  • count the number of anonymous users of our sites.

We do not collect personal information about the visitor as part of a web visit, but web visit information may be tied to other information (including personal information) we collect from you via chat, web forms, and the other means as described in this Data Privacy Policy.

We may provide links to third-party websites for the visitor's convenience and information. The data privacy practices of those sites may differ from FAMRUT Marketplace practices and are independent and not controlled by FAMRUT Marketplace and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. We do not make any representations about third-party websites. We recommend all our visitor's to review their Data Privacy Policies independently before submitting their data (personal or otherwise).

Sensitive Information

We will not intentionally collect or maintain, and do not want you to provide, any information regarding your medical or health condition, race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or other sensitive information.

Children's Online Privacy Protection

Our services are directed towards users in their business capacity and are not designed for or directed to children under the age of 18, and we will not intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 18.


Personal Information

We may use visitor's personal information as may be disclosed by the Visitors on their own volition to process service requests, handle orders, deliver products and services, process payments (and for visitor's safety, this includes verifying credit card details and fraud screening checks at basic level), communicate with the visitor about their orders, provide access to secure areas of the website, recommend merchandise and services that might be of interest to the visitor, to personalize visitor's visit to our website, and to enable us to review, develop and continually improve the products services and offers we provide online. We also use this information to prevent or detect fraud or any kind of abuses of our website and to enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf. However, this does not mean or imply in manner whatsoever that we provide any specialised services against frauds or otherwise and there is no liability on us in this regard of whatsoever nature. No claim shall be maintainable against us in this regard or otherwise in any circumstances.

Contact Information

We use visitor information to send news / updates about our company to visitors and to get in touch with them when necessary. We also use the information we collect to improve the content of our websites and as training aides for our employees. Visitors are given the choice at the point when we request their information and all disclosure of an information is at the discretion of the visitors.

We use web visit information to measure interest in and develop our web pages and marketing plans, customize the content you view on your web visits based on your activity on past visits, and administer our website.

We use the visitors' IP address to help diagnose problems with our servers, and to administer our website.

We use visitor's information provided to us via order placement, chat, email, web forms and other communications to correspond with the visitor about Products and Services they may be interested in purchasing. If the visitor selects to purchase a Product or Service online using a web form, we will use the information to establish their account and for quality assurance purposes. Information submitted by the visitor in writing, such as during order placement, chat, email, and web form, the information is archived and may be tied to information that we collect about visitor's web visits. Unless the visitor expressly mentions that a telephone call should be recorded, we do not record telephone conversations, but we may enter information provided by the visitor via telephone into our systems for the aforesaid usage.


Disclosure to Third Parties

An information (personal or otherwise) we gather is for internal use only and will not authorize the release of this information to anyone outside FAMRUT Marketplace (save for third party service providers to FAMRUT Marketplace who perform functions on our behalf but in such event personal information will only be shared to the extent reasonably necessary to perform their functions and they will not be authorized to use it for any other function), unless you have consented to such disclosure.

If the visitor breaches our terms and conditions or website terms, or if we are under a duty to disclose or share the visitor's data (personal or otherwise) in order to comply with any legal obligation, we may disclose your information only to a relevant authority. This may include exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction. In particular, we may release the information we collect to third parties when it is appropriate to comply with the laws, to enforce our legal rights, to protect the rights and safety of others, or to assist with industry efforts to control fraud, spam or other undesirable conduct.

We may release the information we collect to third parties, where the information is provided to enable such third party to provide services to us, provided that the third party has agreed to use at least the same level of privacy protections described in this Privacy Policy, and is permitted to use the information only for the purpose of providing services to us.

If we wish to give your contact or personal information to a third party under any other circumstances, we will notify the visitor and there will be a choice to opt out as may be desirable by the visitors.


We take data (personal or otherwise) security seriously. We will take appropriate physical, organizational, and technical measures to protect your data (personal or otherwise) against unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. For example, we use encryption to ensure data confidentiality; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious data attacks; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal data; and we raise awareness among employees about the importance of protecting data (personal or otherwise) through security and privacy protection training sessions. While we take the utmost care to protect your data (personal or otherwise), please note that no security measures are completely infallible.

We will retain your data(personal or otherwise) for no longer than is necessary for the purposes stated in this Statement/Policy, unless otherwise extending the retention period is required by laws or requested by you. The data storage period may vary with scenario, product, and service. The standards we use to determine the retention period are as follows: the time required to retain personal data to fulfill business purposes, including providing products and services; maintaining corresponding transaction and business records as required by laws; ensuring the security of systems, products, and services; handling possible user queries or complaints and locating problems; whether the user agrees to a longer retention period; and whether the laws, contracts, and other equivalencies have special requirements for data retention; etc. We will maintain your account information as long as your account is necessary for Product and Service provision. You can choose to deregister your account at any time. After you deregister your account, we will stop providing you with products and services through your account and delete your relevant data (personal or otherwise), provided that deletion is not otherwise stipulated by special legal requirements.

Although we protect your data (personal or otherwise), you are responsible for safekeeping your data including accounts and passwords.

If you find your account or password is used by others without your permission to log in to the Websites, please notify us of this case promptly. You have the right to request us to suspend any unauthorized use of your account or password. However, there shall be no liability on our part of whatsoever nature in this regard and you keep us indemnified in this regard in all circumstances.

In case of any data breaches we found on your data disclosed by you, stored and processed, we may inform you and/or the competent authority through publishing an announcement on FAMRUT Marketplace website, sending you an email or other reasonable means according to the requirements of applicable laws and/or from competent authority. If your personal information is leaked due to reasons attributable to us, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you in a timely manner after confirming the consequence and root causes of the data breach. However, there shall be no liability on our part of whatsoever nature in this regard and you keep us indemnified in this regard in all circumstances.


To improve your Product and Service experience, you may be served content or web links from third parties other than us. We do not have control over such third parties. You can choose independently whether to access or use links, content, products, and services offered by third parties at your discretion.


FAMRUT Marketplace is committed to industry best practices approaches concerning security measures to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of the information in our possession. We use various security measures to protect the information you disclose, as appropriate to the type of information, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls. Visitor's textual information is encrypted during transmission, our company databases are accessible only by persons who have entered into and are bound by a confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement with FAMRUT Marketplace.


A Customer has the right to access his/her individual information disclosed to us. The visiting customer can obtain access to his/her personal information held by us through a written request in the form of an email to our support team. If you have any questions about FAMRUT Marketplace's Data Protection Policy please write to

We always endeavour to make sure that the information we hold about the visitor is accurate and up to date, if the visitor is under the belief that any information we are holding about him/her is incorrect or incomplete, please write to us or e-mail us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will correct any information found to be incorrect as may be communicated by you.


The visitor may withdraw his/her consent to our use of their personal information for future marketing mailings, at any time by emailing us at For other ways to contact us please see our "Contact Us" page. We will use all reasonable endeavours to remove the visitor's information from our marketing mailing list within 5 business working days of receipt of withdrawal of consent.


In order to provide services to you, we store your personal data in countries/regions where FAMRUT Marketplace, FAMRUT Marketplace associated companies, or FAMRUT Marketplace’s service providers or subcontractors have spread or are located. This means your personal data may be transferred to countries or regions where you are located, or jurisdictions which are outside the places where we collect your personal data, and be accessed and stored in the jurisdictions. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws. In such cases, we will ensure that an adequate level of protection is afforded to your data as required by applicable laws and regulations where the data is located, as well as this Statement.


We may update or modify the Privacy Policy from time to time according to changes of our services or data processing. If we update the changes, we will publish the latest version of the Privacy Policy on this Website, and it will take effect immediately upon its release without any individual notice to any of our visitor/s . The visitor is advised to review the updated Privacy Policy in force periodically for any changes. The visitor should check our website frequently to see recent changes; however, our policies and practices shall not be less protective of personal information disclosed in the past without the visitor's prior consent. Unless stated otherwise, our current Data Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about the visitors.


In no event shall we be liable under this Agreement for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive loss, damage or expenses arising from any claim or action hereunder, whether based on contract, tort or other legal theory, even if it has been advised of their possible existence. This policy is subject to an exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Nashik.